Corresponding author: Vyacheslav A. Kharchenko ( ) © 2019 Vyacheslav A. Kharchenko.
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Kharchenko VA (2019) Getters in silicon. Modern Electronic Materials 5(1): 1-11.
Gettering of rapidly diffusing metallic impurities and structural defects in silicon which is the main material for IC fabrication, high-power high-voltage devices and neutron doped silicon has been studied. Structural defect based getters and gas phase getters based on chlorine containing compounds have been analyzed. Formation of structural defect based getters requires producing intrinsic sources of dislocation generation and precipitate/dislocation agglomerate formation. We show that dislocations are generated at microcrack mouths and form a low-mobility dislocation network at inactive wafer sides. In the latter case the defects are generated in the wafer region adjacent to the active layer of the electronic component. The generation of intrinsic getters is based on the decomposition of the supersaturated oxygen solid solution in silicon which favors the formation of a complex defect system in silicon that consists of various precipitate/dislocation agglomerates. Stacking faults also form, i.e., oxide precipitates with Frank’s dislocation loop clouds. Two intrinsic getter formation methods have been considered: one is related to oxygen impurity drain from the wafer surface region and the other implies accurate control of vacancy distribution over wafer thickness. We have analyzed the effect of getters as defect structures on the reduction of the mechanical stress required for dislocation generation onset which may eventually determine the mechanical strength of silicon wafers.
The mechanism of impurity and defect gettering by gas phase medium with chlorine-containing compound additions has been considered. We show that silicon atom interaction with chlorine in the surface wafer region at high temperatures may cause the formation of vacancies which may penetrate to the specimen bulk with some probability. This leads to the case ∆Сv > 0 and ∆Ci ≤ 0, which changes the composition and density of the microdefects. Examples have been given for practical use of heat treatment of silicon wafers in a chlorine-containing atmosphere during oxide film application with the aim to dissolve microdefects, drain rapidly diffusing impurities from crystal bulk and prevent the formation of generation/recombination centers during device fabrication and silicon neutron doping.
single crystal silicon, rapidly diffusing impurities, structural defects, getters, dislocation sources, chlorine-containing atmosphere
Modern silicon base component fabrication processes widely use the gettering of impurities and structural defects which deleteriously affect the electrical parameters of the devices [
Structural defect base getters are divided into extrinsic and intrinsic ones depending on their location in wafer bulk. Earlier when wafer diameters and thicknesses were smaller than now (300 mm or greater) external getter formation methods were intensely developed. An extrinsic getter is a layer with damaged structure mainly consisting of dislocations. Bulk gettering localizes most of the contaminating impurities which do not affect the parameters of electronic structures anymore. The most efficient extrinsic getter is a damaged layer in the form of a low-mobility dislocation network (Fig.
Intrinsic getters differ in nature from extrinsic ones, primarily by the type of structural defects and getter location: they are typically located at a certain distance from the working side of the wafer. The damaged layer is a group of structural defects in the form of oxygen precipitate/dislocation agglomerates and stacking faults. The formation of the damaged layer is caused by the well-studied decomposition of supersaturated oxygen solid solution which is always present in Czochralski grown crystals [
As the precipitates reach 60–70 nm in size, intense formation of dislocation loops starts at plate-shaped precipitate boundaries, the dislocation loops propagating from the precipitates to the adjacent bulk regions along the slip planes by prismatic extrusion. After that the dislocation loops form complex 3D dislocation pile-ups, e.g. by climb of some dislocations to other crystallographic planes. Furthermore, the decomposition of supersaturated oxygen solid solution also causes the formation of a large number of stacking faults in the form of Frank’s dislocation loops with oxide precipitates in the stacking fault centers. Thus this intrinsic getter formation method produces an up to 30–50 μm depth surface region that does not contain extrinsic defects. The bulk density of the precipitates reaches approx. 1011 cm-3 which is sufficient for efficient gettering.
The difference of another possible intrinsic getter formation method is the absence of the first high-temperature stage for oxygen draining from the wafer surface region, with the defect region location being controlled by providing the required vacancy distribution profile [
Microdefect distribution on transverse cleaves of silicon wafers after three-stage heat treatment for intrinsic getter formation [
It should be noted that intrinsic getter formation using the method described above is quite efficient for Czochralski grown silicon wafers. Producing the required density of oxygen precipitate/dislocation agglomerates in zone melting grown silicon wafers is complicated due to the insufficient oxygen content for this silicon growth method. Therefore a special process has been developed for introducing the required oxygen concentration into zone melting grown silicon wafers by ion implantation. It has been reported [
It should be noted that silicon wafers with extrinsic or intrinsic getters are metastable and characterized by strong internal mechanical stress. This stress favors accelerated impurity atom and intrinsic point defect migration towards the getters. In the meantime different types of intrinsic dislocation generation sources are retained in the vicinity of the getters. Therefore high-temperature heat treatment or epitaxy as well as external load application to devices during operation dramatically increase the probability of dislocation generation in as-grown wafer bulk and in the devices thus significantly compromising the electrophysical parameters and mechanical strength of the material. Below are experimental examples of dislocation generation intensity as a function of the size and structure of microdefects forming during the decomposition of supersaturated oxygen solid solution at different heat treatment modes and under external loads [
Shear stress threshold for dislocation generation from internal source for silicon specimens heat treated in different modes [
(a) Loop-generating dislocation dipole type microdefects and (b) globular dislocation/precipitate agglomerates.
(a, b) Microdefects in zone melting grown single crystal silicon and (c, d) dislocation generation under pressure [
Note that under specific conditions, e.g. during partial recrystallization of the damaged layer, the getters considered herein may return impurity atoms to the bulk, i.e., recontamination of the cleaned regions is possible.
Gas phase gettering implies heat treatment of wafers and bulk specimens in vacuum and inert and chlorine-containing atmospheres. This method is based on point defect and impurity atom extraction from wafer bulk to gas phase or vacuum.
An illustrative example of gas phase impurity gettering is oxygen impurity drain from the surface regions of silicon wafers (see above). This process is accompanied by sublimation of surface silicon atoms. Possibly the silicon/impurity system is depleted of the more volatile component more intensely during evaporation. Silicon and impurity sublimation leads to vacancy formation on the surface and in the surface region thus destroying the equilibrium of the vacancies and the interstitial atoms between the surface and the bulk. This results in diffusion of interstitial atoms and vacancies toward the surface and further to the gas atmosphere. The density of the structural microdefects consisting of interstitial atoms, including stacking faults, decreases due to the supply of vacancies. This process is typical of wafer heat treatment at 800–1200 °C in an argon gas atmosphere. As a result the surface wafer layer becomes almost free of primary microdefects and thus the formation of oxidation induced stacking faults is suppressed during the further growth of the oxide film.
Gettering in a chlorine-containing atmosphere with hydrogen chloride addition is most often used for heat treatment of microelectronics components in order to control microdefect composition and impurity content in silicon wafer bulk. We will consider below the evolution of point defect clusters during active chemical hydrogen chloride etching of silicon wafers. According to earlier data [
The chlorine/silicon interaction reactions are exothermal, favoring a significant weakening of the bonds between the reacting silicon atoms in the crystalline structure. The metal and carbon impurities on the surface and in the surface region are efficient catalysts of silicon chloride formation reactions. Metals also form volatile chlorides. Oxygen and water steam supplied to the specimen surface have a negative effect on chloride formation.
Primary silicon atom removal from the surface wafer layer during HCl etching results in the formation of vacancies (V) which have a low but still meaningful probability of diffusing into wafer bulk [
Experimental confirmation of A cluster type microdefect annihilation and oxidation induced stacking fault density reduction in silicon specimens after heat treatment in chlorine-containing atmosphere was reported earlier [
Macro (top) and micro (bottom) distribution of structural defects in (a) as-grown specimen and (b) specimen after heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere [
Heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere has also found practical application for oxide film growth on silicon wafers. Note that SiO2 films grown by thermal oxidation, e.g. for MOS (metal/oxide/semiconductor) structures, does not always satisfy the strict requirements to surface charge, surface recombination rate and bulk trap concentration (more than 1016 cm-3). It was reported that the degradation of these parameters is mainly caused by alkaline metal contamination of the material during high-temperature oxidation [
Impurity and defect gettering in a chlorine-containing atmosphere finds general use in the fabrication of high-power high-voltage devices with the source material being zone melting grown dislocation-free single crystal silicon. The oxygen impurity concentration in this silicon is several orders of magnitude lower than in Czochralski grown silicon which is the main material of microelectronics. Moreover the working region of high-power devices covers the entire wafer bulk. Therefore getter formation on the basis of structural defects in zone melting grown silicon wafers for high-power devices is impossible. The problem of gettering microdefects and rapidly diffusing metallic impurities in zone melting grown silicon wafers proved to be solvable by using heat treatment in a CCl4 base chlorine-containing atmosphere. By way of example Fig.
(a) Selective microdefect etching in as-grown silicon specimen with swirl microdefect distribution and (b) selective etching of silicon specimen after heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere at 1250 °C for 40 h [
Another efficient application of heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere is radiation induced defect annealing in the neutron doped silicon technology. The source material for neutron doping is zone melt grown single crystal dislocation-free silicon. The specially prepared silicon ingots are neutron irradiated in a thermal neutron reactor. Detailed description of the neutron doping process of semiconductor materials was reported earlier [
Si30(n,γ)Si31(β--decay) → P31
produce phosphorus atoms that are a donor impurity in silicon. Along with P31 atoms, a large number of accompanying radiation induced defects are generated in the doped silicon crystals as a result of bombardment with nuclear debris, fast (high-energy) neutrons and γ-particles and due to recoil atoms. As-irradiated ingots are heat treated at high temperatures for eliminating the negative effect of the radiation induced defects on the electrophysical properties. The completeness of radiation induced defect annealing is judged about by the recovery of the electrophysical parameters of the material, primarily the electrical resistivity ρ and minority carrier lifetime τ. It was shown that heat treatment at 800–900 °C for ~2 h recovers ρ to the target level, with τ always being several times lower than the initial level, sometimes even below the acceptable level. Despite the large number of studies [
Effect of annealing atmosphere on minority carrier lifetime in neutron doped silicon specimens [
The highest τ are observed in specimens heat treated in a chlorine-containing atmosphere; air, vacuum and argon heat treated specimens follow in order of decreasing τ. It should be noted that τ degradation depends on microdefect density and presence of rapidly diffusing metallic impurity atoms in crystals. By way of example Fig.
Minority carrier lifetime as a function of microdefect density in neutron doped silicon [
Minority carrier lifetime as a function of gold atom distribution in silicon specimen bulk after heat treatment in (a) air and (b) chlorine-containing atmosphere [
Thus gas phase gettering solves the following tasks:
Below we will consider possible methods of microdefect composition controlling and τ recovery.
It was shown above that generation/recombination centers are complex agglomerates of the microdefect + metal impurity atom type. The microdefects may have variable dimensions and mainly consist of interstitial atoms. It can therefore be concluded that introducing a nonequilibrium vacancy concentration into crystal bulk might help destroying the generation/recombination centers due to vacancy interactions with interstitial atoms in the microdefects. Note that heat treatment induces complex processes in silicon crystals including generation and recombination of intrinsic point defects and their interaction with different types of structural defects. They generally include the following:
The most complete analysis of the interactions occurring in this system was reported elsewhere [
Oxidation induced stacking fault size evolution during heat treatment in argon and in hydrogen as well as during thermal oxidation is shown as a function of exposure time in Fig.
Change in size of oxidation induced stacking faults after heat treatment in (1) argon and (2) hydrogen and (3, 4) thermal oxidation [
In turn the oxidation induced stacking fault sizes grow quite rapidly during heat treatment (Curves 3 and 4), the growth being slightly temperature-dependent. Presumably interstitial atoms dominate in the system. This nonequilibrium situation is described by the ratio ∆Сv ≤ 0, ∆Ci > 0. In other words the oxidation induced interstitial silicon atoms condensate intensely on microdefects, their size and density increasing as a result. An efficient source of nonequilibrium interstitial atoms is in this case the thermally oxidized silicon surface. A similar situation occurs in neutron doped silicon during air annealing: some crystals exhibit microdefect size and density growth. These crystals usually have a short carrier lifetime. Note that the origin of microdefect growth is associated with the precursor defects forming during single crystal growth and having small sizes in the as-grown state thus having a negligible effect on lattice deformation. Taking into account this observation one should preliminarily dissolve the precursor defects in order to avoid the formation of oxidation induced stacking faults in silicon specimens which will undergo oxidation. In other words additional heat treatment is intended to produce a supersaturated vacancy solid solution in the crystals: ∆Сv > 0, ∆Ci ≤ 0. As shown above, this method is implemented using heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere, e.g. HCl.
The interaction mechanism between the structural defects in neutron doped silicon is more complex since it develops in the presence of radiation induced defects the structure of which is incompletely clear. Assuming that neutron irradiation does not produce disordered regions with amorphization traces one can safely hypothesize that the radiation defects mainly contain point defects and their complexes including those with impurity atoms inherited from the as-grown ingots or formed as a result of nuclear reactions. This makes it possible that the condition ∆Сv > 0, ∆Ci > 0 is true. At an early stage of heat treatment in a chlorine-containing atmosphere part of the radiation induced interstitial atoms recombinate with vacancies while other part migrate to specimen surface due to a higher diffusion coefficient or settle on microdefect surfaces. With a decrease in the nonequilibrium concentration of interstitial atoms at subsequent annealing stage due to chlorine chemical reactions with silicon, the vacancy formation on crystal surface becomes predominant, with the vacancies intensely penetrating into the bulk and interacting with growth microdefects. In this case the relationship ∆СI/∆СV < DV/DI is valid and hence microdefects dissolve. Thus heat treatment of neutron irradiated silicon specimens in a chlorine-containing atmosphere destroys the generation/recombination centers, and the released metallic impurity atoms diffuse over interstitial sites and drain to the surface where they react intensely with chlorine atoms. This mechanism of defect annealing in a chlorine-containing atmosphere is confirmed by earlier experimental data [
We reviewed results showing that gettering of rapidly diffusing metallic impurities and structural defects is widely used in the fabrication of electronic components on the basis if single crystal silicon. Getters formed on structural defects are dislocation networks in case of extrinsic getters while intrinsic getters consist of oxygen/precipitate dislocation complexes. These getters also contain dislocation generation centers with a high density which during device operation may emit dislocations to the active device regions as a result of contingency external mechanical load application. Furthermore recrystallization may cause recontamination of the device working region with formerly gettered impurities. In either case device degradation is probable.
In turn, if silicon is supersaturated with vacancies, gas phase getters favor microdefect dissolution, generation/recombination center destruction and rapidly diffusing impurity drain to surface followed by the formation of volatile chlorine compounds. The fundamental difference in the nature of the two getter types shows good promise for improving the reliability of devices fabricated on silicon wafers using heat treatment in chlorine-containing atmospheres.