Corresponding author: Ul’ana A. Mar’ina ( ) © 2018 Ul’ana A. Mar’ina, Viktor A. Vorob’ev, Alexandr P. Mar’in.
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Mar’ina UA, Vorob’ev VA, Mar’in AP (2018) CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ system synthesis and study of its luminescence under IR excitation. Modern Electronic Materials 4(2): 71-75.
Solid state synthesis of Perovskite-like calcium stannate structure activated with three rare-Earth metal ions Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ has been studied. The formation of the CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ luminescent structure requires the following synthesis conditions: anneal temperature 1250 °C and duration at least 18 h. The luminescent properties of the specimens have been studied under 960 nm semiconductor diode laser excitation. The luminescence spectra contain bands in the visible and IR spectral regions. Yb3+ ions have been shown to act predominantly as sensibilizers capable of transferring part of absorbed energy to Er3+ and Но3+ ions thus intensifying their respective luminescence peaks. Er3+ ions also transfer part of absorbed energy to Но3+ ions leading to an increase in the intensity of the 1194 and 1950 nm IR luminescence bands. A schematic of possible energy transitions in the CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ system under 960 nm laser excitation has been suggested. The energy transfer mechanism between Yb3+,Er3+ and Но3+ions has been described in detail. The luminescence intensity of the luminophore has been studied at 994, 1194, 1550 and 1950 nm as a function of Но3+ion concentration. The peak intensity of the 1194 and 1950 nm bands is the highest at a Но3+ion concentration of 0.007 It has been suggested to use the CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ luminescent structure for radiation sources capable of converting 960 nm IR radiation to ~2000 nm IR radiation.
luminescence, infrared luminophores, solid state synthesis, rare-Earth elements
CaSnO3 base compounds pertaining to МSnO3 type Perovskite-like stannates find increasing application due to their universal electromagnetic properties. Currently they are of interest for multiple fields of electronics engineering as materials of cathodes, thermally stable capacitors, photocatalysts, gas or humidity sensors etc. [
At the first stage we tested different solid state synthesis modes and selected optimum anneal temperature and time for pure CaSnO3. The source components were calcium carbonate CaCO3 and tin hydroxide Sn(OH)2 which were dry mixed in the 1 : 1 stoichiometric ratio. After thorough grinding the charge was sieved (# 100 mesh), loaded into alundum crucibles and placed in a high-temperature furnace for heat treatment. The experiments showed that the formation of the pure CaSnO3 phase requires specimen annealing in an oxidizing atmosphere at 1250 °C for 18 h [
At the second stage we obtained calcium stannate specimens activated with rare-Earth metal ions. The charge composition was calculated based on the formula (Ca1-x-y-zYbxEryHoz)SnO3. The x, y and z indices in the formula correspond to the content of each element in the luminophore in atomic fractions. Since the luminescent properties of the test structures are sensitive to impurities the CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ system was synthesized from special purity Yb2O3, Er2O3 and Ho2O3 rare-Earth element oxides that were added to the charge in the form of nitrate solutions. The Yb3+ ion concentration in the specimens was constant, 0.05 According to earlier data [
The phase composition of the as-synthesized specimens was studied on a DIFRAY-401 X-ray diffractometer (CuKα radiation, Ni filter). The unit cell parameters were calculated using the Difract software. The grain size distribution of the powders was studied using a Microsizer-201A laser particle size analyzer. The luminescence and excitation spectra were taken in the 400–2100 nm range using an MDR-41 monochromator, FEU-62 and FEU-100 photoelectron amplifiers and a 960 nm pulse semiconductor diode laser.
Calcium stannate CaSnO3 has a perovskite-like orthorhombic crystalline structure with the Pbnm space symmetry group. Calcium stannate doping with rare-Earth element ions when Yb3+, Er3+ and Но3+ ions substitute Ca2+ rare-Earth metal ions does not change the crystal lattice symmetry [
Diffraction patterns of CaSnO3 specimens synthesized with (1) 1, (2) 10 and (3) 18 h anneal time and (4) CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ specimen synthesized for 18 h. The synthesis temperature was 1250 °C for all specimens.
The position and intensity of the diffraction peaks correspond to the CaSnO3 phase. The sharp diffraction peaks indicate the high crystallinity of the specimens. Grain size distribution analysis shows the average particle size of the (Ca0.93-xYb0.05Er0.02Ho0.007)SnO3 structure to be 30.5 mm.
(Ca0.93-xYb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 structure excitation with 960 nm visible laser radiation produces anti-Stokes luminescence in the 540–560 nm and 640–690 nm bands (Fig.
Visible luminescence spectra of (Ca0.93-xYb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 specimens (z = 0.00005; 0.0005; 0.007) for 960 nm laser excitation: z = (1) 0.00005; (2) 0.0005; (3) 0.007
The 540–560 nm band does not show any clear holmium ion concentration dependence of luminescence intensity since this spectrum region is a superposition of luminescence peaks for multiple activators. The 545 nm peak for a 0.007 Но3+ ion concentration is produced by the 5F4→5I8 transition in holmium ions. The two other peaks in this band for 0.0005 and 0.00005 holmium ion concentrations are at 545 and 550 nm and produced by the 5F4→5I8 transition in holmium ions and the 4S3/2→ 4I15/2 transition in erbium ions, respectively. The luminescence intensity in the 640–690 nm band decreases with increasing Но3+ ion concentration in the luminophore. The luminescent peaks in this region are produced by the 4F9/2→4I15/2 transition in Er3+ ions. Similar anti-Stokes luminescence was observed in the visible spectral region earlier [
Weak luminescence was observed in the ~740–770 nm near IR region. This luminescence is produced by the 5I4→5I8 transition in Но3+ ions (Fig.
740–775 nm luminescence spectra of (Ca0.93x Yb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 specimens for 960 nm laser excitation: z = (1) 0.00005; (2) 0.0005; (3) 0.007
As the Но3+ ion concentration increases to 0.00005 the luminescence intensity in this band increases and then decreases due to the concentration quenching of luminescence.
960 nm excitation of the material also produces IR luminescence bands peaking at ~996, 1194, 1550 and 1950 nm (Fig.
1000–2150 nm luminescence spectra of (Ca0.93-x Yb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 specimens for 960 nm laser excitation: z = (1) 0.00005; (2) 0.0005; (3) 0.007
The radiation in these bands corresponds to the following transitions:
996 nm band: 2F5/2→2F7/2 transition in Yb3+ ions;
1194 nm band:5I6→5I8 transition in Ho3+ ions;
1550 nm band:4I13/2→4I15/2 transition in Er3+ ions;
1950 nm band:5I7→5I8 transition in Ho3+ ions.
The luminescence peak intensity redistribution (Fig.
Luminescent system excitation with a 960 nm source supplies sufficient energy for the core level electrons in Yb3+ (2F7/2) and Er3+ (4I15/2) ions to transit to the 2F5/2 and 4I11/2 excited states, respectively.
The energy absorbed by Yb3+ ions is spent for phonon energy, the 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 radiative transition, energy transfer from the 2F5/2 excited state of Yb3+ ions to top energy levels of Ho3+ and Er3+ ions (cooperative sensibilization) and resonance interaction between Yb3+ (2F5/2), Ho3+ (5I6) and Er3+ (4I11/2) ions.
Yb3+–Ho3+ ion pairs exhibit the following energy transformation processes: electron transition from the 2F5/2 excited level of Yb3+ ions to the 3K8, 5F2, 5F3, 5S2 and 5F4 excited levels of Ho3+ ions followed by anti-Stokes luminescence, and resonance energy transfer from the 2F5/2 excited level of Yb3+ ions to the 5I6 excited level of Ho3+ ions followed by Stokes IR luminescence.
Yb3+–Er3+ ion pairs exhibit the following energy transformation processes: electron transition from the 2F5/2 excited level of Yb3+ ions to the 4F7/2 excited level of Er3+ ions followed by anti-Stokes luminescence, and resonance energy transfer from the 2F5/2 excited level of Yb3+ ions to the 4I11/2 excited level of Er3+ ions followed by Stokes IR luminescence in the 1550 nm band.
Er3+–Ho3+ ion pairs exhibit the following energy transformation processes: resonance energy transfer from the 4I11/2 excited level of Er3+ ions to the 5I6 excited level of Ho3+ ions followed by Stokes IR luminescence.
The diagram of the abovementioned energy transitions in the visible and IR regions is presented in Fig.
(Ca0.93-xYb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 luminescence intensity as a function of Ho3+ concentration for (1) 994, (2) 1194, (3) 1550 and (4) 1950 bands.
To specify more exactly the luminescence intensity in the 994, 1194, 1550 and 1950 nm bands as a function of Но3+ ion concentration we synthesized an additional series of specimens with z = 0.001, 0.007, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 (Fig.
Schematic diagram of energy transfer mechanism between Yb3+, Er3+ and Ho3+ ions in the (Ca1-x-y-zYbxEryHoz)SnO3 system.
The luminescence intensity in the bands corresponding to ytterbium (994 nm) and erbium (1550 nm) ions is the highest at low Но3+ concentrations and decreases gradually with an increase in the holmium concentration. On the contrary, the luminescence intensity in the 1194 and 1950 bands corresponding to radiative transitions in holmium ions increases and peaks at z = 0.007. Further increase in the holmium ion concentration in the luminophore matrix crystalline lattice intensifies concentration quenching of luminescence.
We used the best (Ca0.943Yb0.05Ho0.007)SnO3 double-activator composition as a reference specimen for assessing the radiation efficiency of the (Ca0.93-x Yb0.05Er0.02Hoz)SnO3 system in the ~2000 nm band when measuring the luminescence spectra for the specimens of this series. The study showed that the (Ca0.923Yb0.05Er0.02Ho0.007)SnO3 triple-activator composition has a higher luminescence intensity than the (Ca0.943Yb0.05Ho0.007)SnO3 reference specimen at a 0.007 Но3+ ion concentration. If the (Ca0.943Yb0.05Ho0.007)SnO3 reference specimen intensity in the 1950 nm band is taken as 100%, the (Ca0.923Yb0.05Er0.02Ho0.007)SnO3 triple-activator composition specimen intensity is 25% higher in this band. This accounts for the experimentally observed increase in the holmium ion luminescence intensity in the ~2000 nm band.
The interaction mechanism between Yb3+,Er3+ and Но3+ions in the calcium stannate crystal lattice was described. The possibility of increasing IR radiation luminescence intensity in the 1950 nm region by energy transfer from Yb3+ and Er3+ ions to Ho3+ ones was experimentally confirmed. The energy transfer mechanism and the radiative transition probability are largely controlled by the Ho3+ ion concentration in the luminescent composition. The highest luminescence intensity in the 1950 nm band corresponds to a 0.007 Ho3+ ion concentration. The capability of the CaSnO3 : Yb3+,Er3+,Но3+ luminescent system of converting near IR region radiation (960 nm) to greater wavelength radiation (~2000 nm) can be used for the fabrication of photoconverters, protective marks and markers and IR sources. 1500+ nm sources are widely used for information transmission via fiber optics communication lines and find increasing application in ophthalmology, detection/ranging and materials processing due to the eye-safety of this spectral region.