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Corresponding author: Vitaliy V. Starkov ( ) Corresponding author: Ekaterina A. Gosteva ( ) © 2023 Vitaliy V. Starkov, Ekaterina A. Gosteva.
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Starkov VV, Gosteva EA (2023) Charge pumping in solar cell structure. Modern Electronic Materials 9(3): 91-98.
Modern understanding of the material science of semiconductor silicon allowed the authors to propose a new concept of the so-called “charge pumping” in the structures of photovoltaic converters or solar cells. This paper presents theoretical estimates of the rate of separation and collection of light-generated charge carriers in the structures of conventional silicon solar cells and charge-pumped solar cells. Relatively cheaper so-called “solar silicon” of p-type conductivity is typically used in the industrial production of solar cells. This type of silicon is particularly prone to the formation of thermodonor centers. Partial or, at higher temperatures (about 400 °C), even complete overcompensation of the hole type of conductivity in the base region may occur as a result of prolonged heating. This paper presents an original model describing the local formation of n+ regions in the solar cell structure by the so-called “local photon annealing”. These regions were named “charge pumps”. Experimental data on the formation of n+ regions as a result of Li diffusion are reported as an experimental confirmation of the theoretical estimations made in this work. Comparative volt-ampere characteristics of experimental charge-pumped photovoltaic converters and conventional solar cells are presented, showing an up to 30% increase in the short-circuit current Js.c for the experimental structures under standard illumination (AM1.5). The proposed technological aspects of charge-pumped photovoltaic converter fabrication deliver a cheap process and can be implemented in the industrial production of solar cells with little effort.
energy conversion efficiency, photoelectric converters, photovoltaics, charge pumps, solar cells, local photonic processing, defect-impurity engineering
The use of solar energy mainly depends on the cost and technology of energy conversion on an industrial scale. The electromagnetic radiation of the Sun that reaches the Earth has components with different wavelengths. About 45% of this radiation is infrared, with wavelengths greater than 0.75 µm, whereas the fraction of ultraviolet radiation (≤ 0.38 µm) constitutes approximately 7%. The maximum intensity of the radiation (~48%) is in the visible, or light, spectrum of the wavelengths (0.38–0.76 µm), which photoelectric converters (PEC) use to transform the energy of light into electricity. In the last half-century, several types of solar cells (SC) have been developed, among which those based on single-crystal (c-Si) and multicrystalline (mc-Si) silicon have the largest market share due to the relatively high availability of silicon. The relatively low cost of silicon-based SC technologies largely accounts for the increasing production of mc-Si solar cells. The efficiency of SС conversion described by the efficiency factor η reaches 26.7% for conventional ground-based c-Si solar cells. For mc-Si solar cells, η = 26.3% [
The PEC design described in [
The large size of SС wafers (~200 cm2) leads to macroscopic fluctuations of SC parameters in different parts of the front surface thus complicating a conventional assessment of the photoelectric characteristics using the averaged lifetime τef and diffusion length Lef. It becomes necessary to clarify the transport mechanisms of light-generated carriers in materials with heterogeneously distributed spatial defects. One possible way to reduce recombination losses in “solar” silicon wafers may be to decrease the separation (collection) time of photogenerated carriers, which can be achieved by reducing the thickness of the SC base region to 3–12 µm [
Among the actively developing SC production processes providing for a more efficient use of silicon, the ribbon growth on substrate (RGS) technique involves no material losses [
Solar cells fabricated using the RGS method can achieve conversion efficiencies of above 12% and a short-circuit current density Js.c of up to 34 mA/cm2 under standard illumination, this figure being typical only of good single-crystal silicon SC with much higher minority carrier diffusion lengths. These properties are due to the existence of a three-dimensional network of inversion channels formed by densely packed precipitates around dislocations. Called current collecting channels (CCC), they can collect minority carriers in the main part of a solar cell and direct them to the collector p–n junction. Despite the small diffusion length, the volume of collected carriers increases dramatically [
The collection of charge carriers can be increased by implementing the charge pumping effect in the SC structure [
The efficiency of photovoltaic converters has a significant impact on the cost of the generated solar electricity. Analysis has shown [
The main irreversible energy losses in a PEC are as follows:
– reflection of part of the solar radiation from the surface of the converter;
– passage of part of the radiation without absorption (the long wave spectrum region);
– scattering of the excess energy of photons on phonons (the shortwave spectrum region);
– recombination of the generated charge carriers in the volume and on the surface of the PEC;
– internal ohmic resistance of the volume and contacts of the PEC;
– decline of the photo electromotive force (emf) with increasing temperature.
The first three types are optical losses ηopt, the remaining three are recombination losses ηrec. The total efficiency η can be represented as
η = ηoptηrec.
The efficiency ηrec characterizes the fraction of the photocarriers separated (collected) by the p–n junction and the created photo emf of the total number of generated electron–hole pairs in the volume of the PEC structure. The maximum value of the optical efficiency is determined by the spectral composition of the solar radiation and the bandgap width of the semiconductor; for single-crystal silicon ηmax = 0.29–0.3 in the absence of recombination losses (ηrec = 1) [
The concept of charge pumping, or the controlled formation of so-called “charge pumps” in SC structures [
(a) Conventional PEC structure, (b) “bun with raisins”-type SCCP structure, and (c) a fragment of a double-section structure of a strip-type SCCP
An equivalent circuit of a solar cell with n+ charge pumps (Fig.
JL Ʃ = JL1 + JL2 + … + JLi.
Then the short-circuit current (active mode limit) is
J s.c = JL0 + αNJLƩ,
where αN is the transfer coefficient of the current emitter for normal connection (αN > 0.9).
The open-circuit voltage from the Ebers–Moll model for transistor (double section S1 and S2) can be calculated as
U o.c = φT ln(JL0 + αNJLƩ)/JC,
where IC = S1JC tanh(d/Ln) + S2JC tanh(W/Ln), S1 + S2 = S0 and S2 is the area of the pumps.
The integral efficiency of a two-section SCCP structure depends on the ratio of the p-type base and charge pump areas in the SC structure. For a standard PEC structure with d = 180 µm, area S0 and η = 15%, the efficiency increases to 18.6% after embedding of a charge pump having the area S2 (S2/S0 = 0.3) in the base region of the n+ layer. At S2/S0 = 0.5, the efficiency increases to 21%, and at S2/S0 = 0.7, to η = 23.4% [
The above estimations indicate that the proposed two-section SCCP structure allows us to improve the efficiency. Similar results were obtained in calculations of an equivalent circuit in which the recombination losses were taken into account via the transfer coefficient:
ηrec = β = sch(W/L).
The PEC samples were made of p-type silicon with a resistivity of 7.5 Ωcm, surface orientation (100) and a wafer thickness of 280 μm. The collecting n+–p junction on the front side and the p+–p junction on the back side were formed from TEOS-based films using the rapid thermal processing technology (RTP) according to a method described earlier [
The removable photomask for forming strip-type charge pumps in the PEC structure (Fig.
Two photomasks rotated relative to each other by 90° were assembled together using microscrews (Fig.
The parameters of the finished solar cell wafers were measured using a PASAN900 tester with a pulsed radiation source under standard illumination conditions (AM 1.5 spectrum, illumination intensity 1000 W/m2, temperature Т = 25 °С).
The surface temperature of the SC samples was measured using a Term PRO-1200 pyrometer.
Experimental SC structure: (a) front side, (b) back side, (c–e) formation of a charge pump
The effect of charge pumping on PEC parameters can be demonstrated for the examples of “bun with raisins”-type (Fig.
Local strip n+ structures of charge pumps in the p-type base of the PEC (Fig.
The limited diffusion solubility of Li in Si can reach 1019 cm-3 at about 670 °C [
Depth of p–n junctions formed by Li diffusion in the experimental PEC structure as a function of specific power of halogen lamps and photon doping (annealing) time. p-type Si, surface orientation (100), resistivity ρv = 7.5 Ωcm
The topology of pump arrangement in the p-type base should provide for low small series resistance Rs of the rear electrode (Fig.
The strip structures were formed by local deposition of a lithium film on the back side of the plate through a metal mask (Fig.
Analysis of the I–V characteristics of the experimental PECs under standard illumination conditions before and after the formation of charge pumps in the SC structure showed an increase in the short-circuit current from Js.c.0 = 274 mA for the original structure to Js.c = 354 mA for the SCCP structure (∆Js.c./Js.c.0 > 0.29) [
Thus, the formation of charge pumps in the strip-shaped n+ regions of the p-type base via Li diffusion leads to an increase in the short-circuit current.
Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) attracts the attention of researchers as a means of solving various defect engineering problems such as annealing of radiation defects, impurity activation after ion implantation into silicon and annealing of thermal donor defects typical of heavily boron-doped Cs–Si wafers [
These conduction regions have been proposed to be used for creation of charge pumps in the p-type base region of PECs [
The process of thermal donor formation is sensitive to the presence of defect clusters, getter layers or inhomogeneities in the silicon structure which generate mechanical stress fields [
In this work, charge pumps with a discrete morphology (Fig.
Photonic I–V characteristics of the PEC: (а) original structure, (b) structure after treatments
Depending on the photon pulse duration (5–30 s at P = 44 W/cm2), the change in ∆Pm/Pm0 ranged from 3% to 35%, reaching its maximum in the 8–13 s range. At the same time, the maximum increase in the short-circuit current ∆Js.c./Js.c.0 ≈ 0.37 was observed for samples with initial efficiencies of lower than 15%. For samples with ≥17% efficiencies and short-circuit current densities Js.c. > 35 mA/cm2, ∆Pm/Pm0 was 7–15%.
The photon pulse duration exceeding 20 s, Js.c and Pm in some samples decreased by more than 50%. Local irradiation forms chains of clusters which turn into conducting n-type channels in the p-type base. Light-generated electrons located at the distance Lef from those channels are driven inside the channels by the electric field and transported by a drift mechanism similar to that for built-in charge pumps formed by doping with n impurities.
Modern achievements in the material science of semiconductor silicon provide for further development of theoretical and practical applications of the research results in the production of photoelectric converters. This paper deals with the PEC structure applications of the “charge pumping” concept developed by the Authors.
It is shown that, according to the proposed concept, recombination losses in SC structures can be reduced not only by increasing the volumetric lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers τef, but also by reducing the separation time of photogenerated carriers via so-called “charge pumps”. This provides for wider application of relatively cheap “solar” silicon wafers in SC production.
A theoretical analysis of the mechanism of photogenerated charge carriers collection in charge-pumped photoelectric converter structures was carried out.
An equivalent substitution circuit of solar cells with n+ charge pumps was developed which can be represented as a multi-emitter transistor operating in saturation mode.
Experimental studies carried out using the proposed defect-impurity engineering methods confirmed the theoretical conclusions regarding the possibility of increasing the short-circuit current Js.c and the maximum power Pm by forming charge pumps in the structure of the experimental SC.
For the successful implementation of the charge pumping method studied in this paper and hence improving the PEC parameters, it is necessary to take into account the real design and technological features of the manufacture of specific PECs (specific parameters of the silicon wafers used, processes used for their treatment, etc.).
The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State task No. 075-01304-23-00.
The study is dedicated to the memory of Professor V.A. Gusev.