Research Article |
Corresponding author: Konstantin V. Feklistov ( ) © 2023 Konstantin V. Feklistov, Aleksey G. Lemzyakov, Alexander A. Shklyaev, Dmitry Yu. Protasov, Alexander S. Deryabin, Evgeny V. Spesivsev, Dmitry V. Gulyaev, Alexey M. Pugachev, Dmitriy G. Esaev.
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Feklistov KV, Lemzyakov AG, Shklyaev AA, Protasov DYu, Deryabin AS, Spesivsev EV, Gulyaev DV, Pugachev AM, Esaev DG (2023) Electron and hole injection barriers between silicon substrate and RF magnetron sputtered In2O3 : Er films. Modern Electronic Materials 9(2): 57-68.
In2O3 : Er films have been synthesized on silicon substrates by RF magnetron sputter deposition. The currents through the synthesized metal/oxide/semiconductor (MOS) structures (Si/In2O3 : Er/In-contact) have been measured for n and p type conductivity silicon substrates and described within the model of majority carrier thermoemission through the barrier, with bias voltage correction to the silicon potential drop. The electron and hole injection barriers between the silicon substrate and the film have been found to be 0.14 and 0.3 eV, respectively, by measuring the temperature dependence of the forward current at a low sub-barrier bias. The resulting low hole injection barrier is accounted for by the presence of defect state density spreading from the valence band edge into the In2O3 : Er band gap to form a hole conduction channel. The presence of defect state density in the In2O3 : Er band gap is confirmed by photoluminescence data in the respective energy range 1.55–3.0 eV. The band structure of the Si/In2O3 : Er heterojunction has been analyzed. The energy gap between the In2O3 : Er conduction band electrons and the band gap conduction channel holes has been estimated to be 1.56 eV.
silicon, indium oxide, erbium, thin films, heterojunction, band structure, band discontinuity, barrier, injection, thermoemission, electrons, holes
The integration of fiber-optic data communication systems directly in processors will seemingly be the next development step of computing systems. In 2015 a CPU was demonstrated featuring core-memory data exchange via a single fiber-optic line by means of an external laser [
The common approach to this task world over is to employ a complex technological process of transferring a proven A3-B5 LED material (InGaAs) to a silicon substrate, by either transferring and bonding to the substrate [
One technologically simple and cheap alternative is the use of erbium ions Er3+ having the 1.54 μm wavelength 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 intracenter transition [
Starting from the earliest works by H. Ennen [
It is well-known from literature that erbium de-excitation processes observed in silicon are suppressed in dielectrics since erbium PL occurs at room temperature in a wide range of dielectrics [
There were a number of works demonstrating the possibility of generating room temperature EL of Er ions in optically transparent oxides, e.g. ZnO [
The first problem to be solved is to develop conditions for the injection of both carrier types (electrons and holes) from silicon to In2O3 : Er films. This requires finding the height of the carrier injection barriers at the Si/In2O3 : Er heterointerface. Literary data on band discontinuity at the Si/In2O3 heterointerface are scarce and very inconsistent. Theoretical calculation yielded a negative electron injection barrier between silicon and indium oxide [
In the previous work [
Schematic band diagrams of n-Si/In2O3 : Er heterostructure for (a) forward and (b) reverse bias showing earlier estimated [30] electron injection barrier 1 between silicon and In2O3 : Er film (0.14 eV) and barrier 2 between surface indium contact and film (0.21 eV)
The aim of this work is to find, using direct electrical methods, the hole injection barrier between the p type conductivity silicon substrate and the films (Φhf for p-Si/In2O3 : Er) and correct the band structure of the Si/In2O3 : Er heterointerface taking into account the estimated electron and hole injection barriers.
In2O3 : Er were sputtered onto n and p type conductivity (100) silicon substrates (KEF 7.5 and KDB 7.5, respectively). For back contact doping the back sides of the n and p type conductivity substrates were implanted with 1015 cm-2 100 keV As+ ions and 1015 cm-2 30 keV B+ ions, respectively, and heat-treated at 1000 °C for 1 h in an inert argon (Ar) gas atmosphere. Before film deposition the silicon substrates were RCA chemically treated [
In2O3 : Er films were deposited onto silicon substrates by RF magnetron sputter deposition on a BOC Edwards Auto 500 plant from an In2O3 : Er target containing 1% erbium. The main deposition mode was as follows:
– Ar flow 8 sccm, O2 flow 2 sccm (1 sccm = standard cm3/min);
– chamber working pressure P = 6 · 10-3 mbar;
– magnetron power WRF = 120 W;
– power unit frequency 13.56 MHz;
– substrate temperature 100 °C;
– deposition time t = 50 min.
This deposition mode produced 200 nm In2O3 : Er films on n type conductivity substrates. 60 nm In2O3 : Er films were deposited on p type conductivity substrates under different conditions, i.e., Ar flow 20 sccm, O2 flow 20 sccm, WRF = 100 W, but the final film structure proved to be the same.
The microstructure of the films [
Top metallic indium contacts were applied through a 0.7 × 0.7 mm2 mask. The back-side contacts were produced by In sputtering without masks on the whole back surface area.
The I–V curves and their temperature functions for the Si/In2O3 : Er/In-contact structures were recorded on Keithley 4200-SCS and Keithley 2400 equipment fitted with Linkam LTS420E PB4 temperature control modules.
Steady-state PL was excited with a 325 nm He–Cd laser, power density 1 W/cm2. The emission spectrum was recorded with an SDL-1 double monochromator spectrometer fitted with a photomultiplier at room temperature.
Analysis of Si/In2O3 : Er/In-contact structure I–V curves for n type conductivity silicon substrates: (a) I–V curves for different temperatures for forward (+V) and reverse (–V) bias; (b) approximation of forward (+V) currents (Jf) through the barrier as per Eq. (1b); (c) corrected approximation of forward (+VSi) currents Jf through the barrier as per Eq. (3)
Barrier thermoemission model correction (Eq. (1b)) for silicon potential drop (Eq. (3)): (a) band structure calculation in electrostatic approximation (Poisson’s equation and Boltzmann’s carrier distribution [41]) for T = 360 K; (b) VSi(V) calculation for different temperatures T (solid curves are for KEF 7.5 n type conductivity Si substrate and 200 nm In2O3 : Er film, dashed curves are for KDB 7.5 p type conductivity Si substrate and 60 nm In2O3 : Er film)
At a negative (reverse) bias applied to the top In contact, electrons are injected from the metal to the film through the backward barrier (Φeb) at the In/In2O3 : Er interface (Fig.
For the forward branch V > 3kT the simplified expression (Eq. (1a)) has an exponential growth pattern:
where V is the bias, n is the nonideality factor, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute temperature and Js is the saturation backward current determined as follows:
where Φ is the barrier height and AR is Richardson’s constant (AR = 120 A/(cm2 · K2) for electrons in silicon and AR = 30 A/(cm2 · K2) for holes in silicon [
To correct Eq. (1b) one should take into account that bias applied to an MDS structure drops not only in the silicon SCR but also in the dielectric, with the barrier height decreasing exactly by the magnitude of the silicon potential drop (Φ – VSi), see Fig.
The silicon potential drop VSi as a function of the bias V was calculated by numerically solving Poisson’s equation in Boltzmann’s carrier statistics approximation [
Thus the initial (sub-barrier) sections of the forward I–V curves for the n-Si/In2O3 : Er structures can be described within the barrier thermoemission model with a silicon potential drop correction of the bias.
Analysis of Si/In2O3 : Er/In contact structure I–V curves for p type conductivity silicon substrates: (a) I–V curves for different temperatures for forward (–V) and reverse (+V) bias; (b) approximation of forward (–V) currents (Jf) through the barrier as per Eq. (1b); (c) corrected approximation of forward (–VSi) currents Jf through the barrier as per Eq. (3)
By analogy with the electron injection case discussed above (Figs
Thus the initial I–V curve sections for the Si/In2O3 : Er structures on silicon substrates, whether n or p type conductivity, can be described within the majority carrier barrier thermoemission model with a silicon potential drop correction of the bias.
To determine the forward electron injection barrier Φef between n type conductivity silicon and the In2O3 : Er film (Fig.
Forward current vs temperature functions in Schottky coordinates at low sub-barrier bias (color dashed lines) and backward currents at saturation (gray dashed lines) for Si/In2O3 : Er strucrures on (a) n and (b) p type conductivity silicon substrates. Slope and barrier height analysis for electron and hole injection
For reverse bias at saturation V = –2 V (Fig.
For low forward sub-barrier bias V = +0.2 and +0.4 V (Fig.
To determine the forward hole injection barrier between p type conductivity silicon and the In2O3 : Er film (e.g. Φhf in Fig.
For reverse bias at saturation V = +2 V (Fig.
Schematic band diagrams of p-Si/In2O3 : Er heterostructure for (a) forward and (b) reverse bias with electron and hole injection barriers shown
For low forward sub-barrier bias V = –0.2, –0.3, –0.4 and –0.5 V (Fig.
Thus, the temperature functions of the backward saturation currents and the forward sub-barrier currents for the In2O3 : Er film structures on n and p type conductivity silicon substrates (Si/In2O3 : Er) suggest that the forward electron injection barrier between n type conductivity silicon and the films (n-Si/In2O3 : Er) is Φef = 0.14 eV, the backward electron injection barrier between the metallic In contact and the film (In/In2O3 : Er) is Φeb = 0.21 eV, the forward hole injection barrier between p type conductivity silicon and the films (p-Si/In2O3 : Er) is Φhf = 0.3 eV and the backward hole injection barrier between the metallic In contact and the films (In/In2O3 : Er) is Φhb = 0.5 eV.
The data on carrier injection barriers are shown in the schematic band diagrams of the Si/In2O3 : Er heterostructure in Fig.
Despite the large calculated valence band discontinuity (ΔEV ~ 1.64 eV), the hole injection barrier between silicon and the film proved to be but moderate: Φhf = 0.3 eV (Fig.
It seems that the hole conduction channel in the band gap is associated with the defect states caused by an imperfect structure of the RF magnetron sputtered In2O3 : Er films. Possibly, high defect concentrations introduced by magnetron deposition form multiple defect levels in the band gap. These multiple defect levels merge to form a defect state density spreading from the valence band edge EV to the hole conduction channel in the band gap Eds. In Fig.
Thus, electron transport in the film occurs via the conduction band EC (Fig.
The 400–800 nm PL spectra (Fig.
In2O3 : Er PL spectra compared against literary data on PL of In2O3 films synthesized using different methods [42–48]
In2O3 films synthesized using different methods were studied earlier [
– metallic In sputtering followed by thermal oxidation [
– growth and oxidation in an argon + oxygen gas atmosphere on an InP substrate with gold as surfactant by vapor–liquid–crystal mechanism (VLS) [
– oxidation of 1–3 mm metallic In grains in an argon + oxygen gas atmosphere [
– In evaporation and transport in an argon + oxygen gas atmosphere and deposition on substrate [
– In evaporation and redeposition in an argon flow atmosphere in a furnace [
– In2O3 vapor phase deposition in an argon + oxygen gas atmosphere on a silicon substrate with gold surfactant [
– metallic indium deposition on differently oriented silicon substrates ((100), (110), (111)) and 850 °C oxidation in a wet argon flow atmosphere [
These methods produce completely different film structures: 400–600 nm nanocrystals consisting of agglomerated finer 40–60 nm nanocrystals [
The 400–800 nm PL falling into the In2O3 band gap was attributed to the following defects in the band gap [
Similar 400–800 nm PL is observed in our magnetron sputtered films (Fig.
In2O3 : Er films were RF magnetron sputtered on silicon substrates.
The I–V curves for the structures (Si/In2O3 : Er) on n and p type conductivity silicon substrates have rectifying patterns and at low bias can be described within the majority carrier barrier thermoemission model with a silicon potential drop VSi correction of the bias V.
The electron injection barrier between n type conductivity silicon and films (n-Si/In2O3 : Er) was found to be Φef = 0.14 eV and the hole injection barrier between p type conductivity silicon and films (p-Si/ In2O3 : Er), Φhf = 0.3 eV.
The band structure of the Si/ In2O3 : Er heterojunction has a small conduction band discontinuity, ΔEC = 0.14 eV and a large valence band discontinuity, ΔEV = 1.64 eV. However, the presence of the hole conduction channel Eds in the In2O3 : Er band gap caused by the defect state density tail Dds, spreading from the valence band to the band gap provides for a low hole injection barrier, Φhf = Eds – EVSi = 0.3 eV. The energy gap between the conduction band electrons and the band gap conduction channel holes is EC – Eds = 1.56 eV.
The presence of the defect state density Dds in the In2O3 : Er band gap is confirmed by the PL data for the respective 1.55–3.0 eV energy range.
Optical measurements were conducted under State Assignment FWGW-2022-00005. The work was financially supported by the FSI (Grant 4235GS1/70543 as of 27.10.2021) and by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. 075-15-2020-797 (13.1902.21.0024)). Electrical measurements were carried out on facilities of the VTAN Joint Use Center of the Novosibirsk State University. Part of optical measurements were conducted on equipment of the Joint Use Center for High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Gases and Condensed Media of the Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Films were deposited at the Siberian Center for Synchrotron and Terahertz Radiation Joint Use Center on the VEPP-4–VEPP-2000 Complex Unique Research Installation of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The sputtering target was manufactured by Phildal Holding Co., Ltd., China.
The Authors are grateful to E.D. Zhanaev and N.V. Dudchenko for chemical and thermal treatment of the specimens.