Research Article
Research Article
Crystallization features of YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals in 2YBa4Cu3O9-δ + BaCu2O2 + CuO2 system
expand article infoNikolay A. Kalanda, Marta V. Yarmolich, Alexander V. Petrov, Olga Yu. Ponomareva§, Karine K. Abgaryan|, Nguyen Huy Dan
‡ Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
§ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
| Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
¶ Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Open Access


In this article, a consistent study of phase transformations during the crystallization of YBa2Cu3O7-δ compound was carried out using XRD, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyzes, as well as optical microscopy. When studying the microstructure and elemental composition in the reaction zone in the process of obtaining single crystals by the crucible-less method, the products of chemical reactions were identified depending on the composition of the reacting components and synthesis conditions. It has been established that the use of precursors Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ and ВаCu2O2 as initial reagents has made it possible to carry out the direct synthesis of YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals without the formation of intermediate phases. The superconductor has been synthesized at 1270 K on single-crystal MgO substrates with the (001) orientation, since their surface is poorly wetted by the melt solution and stimulates the YBa2Cu3O7-δ nucleation process. This ensures the minimum loss of the liquid fraction formed in the sample. The growth conditions for YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals have been studied and optimized. It has been experimentally revealed that the use of combined cooling conditions leads to an increase in the size of single crystals and a reduction in the time of their growth without changing the quality and crystal structure. The investigation showed that the largest volume (50 mm3) was achieved for single-phase YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals grown at a cooling rate of 0.5 deg/h in the temperature range 1260–1240 K and at a rate of 1.2 deg/h in the range 1240–1210 K. An analysis of the Laue rotation lines obtained in this work indicates the presence of blocks in single crystals cooled in the temperature range 1243–1193 K at a cooling rate of 1.5 deg/h and their absence in crystals cooled at 1.2 deg/h. An assessment of the degree of perfection of the structure by the width of the rocking curves at half-height of the X-ray reflection (006) showed that the width of the rocking curves of 0.36 deg indicates the absence of structural defects, such as twins, blockiness, and shear defects.


high-temperature superconductivity, YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals, oxygen nonstoichiometry, crucible-less synthesis method, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis

1. Introduction

The advent of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) with a transition to the superconducting state at temperatures exceeding the temperature of liquid nitrogen has opened up new possibilities for creating devices with unique characteristics. Such superconductors can function with simpler and more affordable cooling systems, instead of expensive equipment using helium. An extremely wide range of applications of HTSC materials is due to the absence of losses in direct current and small losses in alternating current, shielding of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and the possibility of transmitting signals with minimal distortion [1].

Of greatest interest is the YBa2Cu3O7-δ family, which transition temperature to the superconducting state (Tc) is about 93 K. These compounds have a number of properties such as, for example, a layered structure, electrically conductive copper-oxygen flat layers, and a pronounced anisotropy of electrical parameters [1–4]. For the practical use of YBa2Cu3O7-δ materials, it is necessary to ensure high values of the critical current density (not less than Jc ~ 104 A/cm2). Due to the anisotropy of conductivity and the small coherence length of yttrium-barium cuprate, defects associated with dislocations and stacking faults significantly reduce the critical current density Jc. Because of this, as confirmed by numerous studies, the use of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ material is possible only for textured bulk products and single crystals [1–4].

An urgent problem in the field of high-temperature superconductivity remains the improvement of the technology for obtaining high-quality samples, including the YBa2Cu3O7-δ compound, with reproducible superconducting properties and the investigation of their physico-chemical properties.

Currently, in order to obtain single crystals and textured YBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramics, mainly the melt methods of synthesis are used. There are a fairly large number of technologies for obtaining textured ceramics and single crystals, YBa2Cu3O7-δ using a liquid fraction. The basic methods for growing a textured compound YBa2Cu3O7-δ are two main ones: MTG (Melt–Textured–Growth) – the method is based on the growth of textured ceramics from a molten initial charge of composition YBa2Cu3O7-δ [2–5]; QMG (Quench–Melt–Growth) method is based on the growth of textured ceramics from a molten initial charge of YBa2Cu3O7-δ composition with an additional stage consisting in melt quenching [24, 6, 7]. On their basis, all other methods for obtaining a high-temperature superconductor are formed [814].

However, their capabilities are limited by the high temperatures of the process (1300–1223 K), the high aggressiveness of the solution-melt, and the low growth rate (~10 µm/h) of YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystals. Obtaining dense, textured ceramics and structurally perfect single crystals of yttrium-barium cuprate is difficult due to the peritectic nature of crystallization, the active interaction of the solution-melt with the material of technological equipment, the lack of oxygen in the liquid phase, the crystallization of satellite phases, etc. [27]. In this case, individual simple oxides, such as, for example, Y2O3 and BaO, form, upon interaction with other reagents, chemically stable refractory compounds Y2BaCuO5, BaCu2O2 and BaCuO2. They do not completely react during the formation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ, and therefore are present in barium yttrium cuprate as separate inclusions, which significantly impairs its superconducting properties. In this regard, traditional methods for obtaining YBa2Cu3O7-δ, which use Y2O3, BaO, and СuO simple oxides, turned out to be inefficient [214]. The study of the sequence of phase transformations using Y2BaCuO5, BaCu2O2, and BaCuO2 oxides as starting components can allow direct synthesis of YBa2Cu3O7-δ without intermediate reactions.

Therefore, the search for new methods for obtaining single crystals and textured YBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramics with a minimum content of impurities and having high physico-chemical characteristics is an urgent task.

2. Experimental

For the synthesis of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ compound, precursors Y2BaCuO5, Y2Cu2O5 and BaCuO2 have been used, which were obtained from Y2O3, BaCO3 and СuO oxides. The samples were prepared by conventional ceramic technology [1619]. To remove crystallization moisture, the initial oxides were kept in a resistive thermal unit for 10 hours at a temperature of 573 K, barium carbonate at 1273 K. Mixing and grinding of the mixture of initial oxides with alcohol were carried out in a vibrating mill for 3 hours. The resulting mixture was dried at a temperature of 320 K until the alcohol was completely removed and pressed at 10 Pa into tablets 10 mm in diameter and 5 mm high. Pre-calcination was carried out in air at a temperature of 973 K for 18 hours. To increase the homogenization of the charge, secondary dry grinding was used in a PM 100 vibrating mill Retsch GmbH (Germany) for 2 hours and the resulting powder has been sieved. By sieving through a set of sieves with a given aperture size, powder fractions were obtained, consisting of grains with certain sizes. The powder was then compressed into tablets 12 mm in diameter and 5 mm thick. Samples were synthesized by heating in air to temperatures of 1223 K, 1273 K, and 1223 K for Y2BaCuO5, Y2Cu2O5 and BaCuO2, respectively, holding in a thermal device for 17 hours, followed by cooling in the switched off thermal device mode [1820]. The temperature in the thermal set-ups has been maintained using a RIF-101 temperature controller and monitored using a Pt–Pt/Rh(10%) thermocouple with an accuracy of ±0.5 K.

The phase composition and crystal lattice parameters were determined by the Rietveld method using the ICSD-PDF2 database (Release 2000) and the PowderCell software [20] based on X-ray diffraction data obtained on a DRON-3 set-up in CuKα radiation. Diffractograms were taken at room temperature at a rate of 60 deg/h in the range of angles θ = 10–90°.

The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) using a Setaram Labsys TG-DSC16 measuring complex at various heating rates in the range of 300–1300 K. The samples were kept until thermodynamic equilibrium with the gaseous medium has been established, and then cooled to room temperature in a continuous flow of a 5% H2/Ar gas mixture. The sign of the achievement of thermodynamic equilibrium was the absence of a change in the mass of the sample at a fixed temperature of the samples. The weight of the samples was controlled by weighing with an accuracy of ±3 · 10–5 g.

Microstructure of the obtained samples has been investigated by the atomic force microscopy (NT-206 setup).

3. Results and discussion

Optimization of the composition of Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + хCuO samples, in which the maximum geometric dimensions of YBa2Cu3O7-δ (Scryst) crystallites are formed during superconductor synthesis, was carried out according to the data of X-ray phase and microstructural analysis.

It was found that as the sample synthesis temperature increased to 1320 K, the crystallite size increased, reaching a maximum value. With a subsequent increase in the synthesis temperature, the size of the crystallites decreased (Fig. 1) [16–18, 21]. From the graph of dependence Scryst = f (x) it was determined that samples with x = 0.6 had the maximum crystallite size.

Figure 1.

Dependence of the change in the area Scryst of YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystallites on the temperature of the beginning of synthesis (T) and the composition (x) of samples of the Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + хCuO system

Therefore, it has been established that at a cooling rate of 1 deg/h for samples of the Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + хCuO system from a temperature of 1305 to 1170 K, the largest fraction occupied by the maximum geometric dimensions of YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystallites located in textured macrograins was observed in samples of the composition Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO at a cooling rate of 1 deg/h from a synthesis temperature of 1320 to 1170 K [16–18, 21].

Optimization of the conditions for the growth of crystallites was carried out by studying the sequence of phase transformations in a mixture of compositions Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO (a) at temperatures of the beginning of synthesis of 1305 and 1320 K, respectively, followed by cooling at a rate of 1 deg/h and quenching to room temperature.

Based on the data of TGA, DTA, XRD and microstructural analyzes for samples of composition (a) heated to Т = 1320 K and cooled in the temperature range of 1320–1280 K with their subsequent quenching at room temperature, the presence of compounds Y2BaCuO5, BaCuO2 and liquid phase has been confirmed (Table 1). Here, L is the liquid phase.

Table 1.

Phase composition of Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO samples heated to T = 1320 K and cooled to different temperatures followed by their quenching

Т ann (K) Mixture of powders Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO
1320–1280 Y2BaCuO5, BaCuO2 and L (solution-melt)
1280–1260 Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ (traces), L (solution-melt)
1260–1240 Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ, L (solution-melt) and YBa2Cu3O7-δ (traces)
1240–1210 YBa2Cu3O7-δ, Ba2CuO3, BaCuO2 and L (solution-melt)

With a further decrease in the cooling temperature from 1280 to 1260 K, the content of the Y2BaCuO5 phase decreases, and the compound YBa4Cu3O9-δ is found in the melt solution. In the lower cooling temperature range of 1260–1240 K, the solution-melt increases the intensity of reflections of the YBa4Cu3O9-δ compound and the appearance of traces of YBa2Cu3O7-δ [16–18, 21]. DTA fixes the presence of an exothermic effect, and TGA indicates an increase in the mass of the mixture with a decrease in temperature from 1260 to 1240 K (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Temperature dependences of thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyzes of the system Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO

Based on these data, the formation reaction of the YBa4Cu3O9-δ compound can be represented as: Y2BaCuO5 + L + zО2↓ → 2YBa4Cu3O9-δ [16–18, 21, 22]. Intense crystallization of YBa2Cu3O7-δ in the temperature range 1240–1210 K is accompanied by an exothermic effect without a change in mass. In this case, the growth of large single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-δ blocks occurs in a solution-melt far from the pores and sample surface (Fig. 3 a, b). Due to the fact that no change in the mass of the samples was found in this temperature range, the growth process of YBa2Cu3O7-δ proceeds without oxygen absorption: YBa4Cu3O9-δ + Y2BaCuO5 + L → YBa2Cu3O7-δ.

Figure 3.

Microstructure of the reaction zone of samples of the Y2BaCuO5 +3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO system quenched from temperatures: (a) 1235 K, (b) 1200 K

Thus, in a system with a high content of barium for the crystallization of YBa2Cu3O7-δ the required amount of oxygen is supplied not only from the solution-melt, in which there is always its deficiency, but also from the dissolution of the solid phases YBa4Cu3O9-δ and Y2BaCuO5. In this case, the absence of restrictions on the delivery of oxygen to the crystallization zone allows single crystals of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ phase to increase their size constantly upon cooling.

For a mixture of the Y2BaCuO5 + 3BaCuO2 + 0.6CuO composition, the process of crystallization of YBa2Cu3O7-δ occurs according to the peritectic reaction Y2BaCuO5 + YBa4Cu3O9-δ + L → YBa2Cu3O7-δ without oxygen uptake [16–18, 21–25]. The main absorption of oxygen falls on the crystallization period of YBa4Cu3O9-δ in the cooling temperature range of 1260–1240 K.

To obtain single crystals, complex oxides Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ and ВаCu2O2 have been used as initial reagents, which made it possible to carry out direct synthesis without intermediate phases, eliminate the nonequilibrium of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystallization process, control the dispersion and distribution of Y2BaCuO5 particles in the sample volume and, accordingly, increase the values of critical current densities dissipatively passing through textured YBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramics.

In order to obtain YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals with high Jc values, we used the initial Y2BaCuO5 particle size controlled powder, which after milling contained at least 70% Y2BaCuO5 grains with a size of dav ~ 10 μm. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture of Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ, ВаCu2O2 and CuO powders, pellets were formed at a pressing pressure of ~0.34 GPa using oleates.

Let us consider the features of growing YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals by the crucible-less method [1618]. In this case, the interest in growing single crystals of large geometric dimensions is primarily due to the possibility of obtaining high values of critical current densities and studying the conductivity anisotropy. Single-crystal MgO plates with the (001) orientation were chosen as the substrate on which the sample was placed, since their surface is poorly wetted by the melt solution, stimulates the nucleation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ, and ensures the minimum loss of the liquid fraction formed in the sample [9, 16–18, 24, 25]. The synthesis of single crystals in a pellet consisting of a mixture of 2YBa4Cu3O9-δ + ВаCu2Oх + CuOх powders and placed on a single-crystal MgO substrate was started at 1260 K after holding the pellet for 2 hours. To reduce the number of YBa2Cu3O7-δ nuclei in the temperature range of 1260–1240 K, the sample was cooled at a rate of 0.5 deg/h. When cooling from T = 1240 K to T = 1210 K, the cooling rate has been increased to 1.2 deg/h (Table 2).

Table 2.

Effect of cooling rate on the maximum sizes of YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals

Powders mixture Cooling rate (deg/h) Temperature range of cooling (K) Maximal sizes of crystals (mm3)
2YBa4Cu3O9-δ + ВаCu2O2 + CuO2 0.8 1240−1210 23.6
1.0 37.4
1.2 50.0
1.4 39.2
1.8 28.3
2.5 13.1

According to the microstructural analysis, it was found that single crystals had the largest volume ~50 mm3 when cooled in the temperature range of 1240–1210 K at a rate of 1.2 deg/h (Fig. 4). Layer-by-layer XRD analysis and electron probe microanalysis revealed no inclusions of the melt solution and impurity phases in YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals.

Figure 4.

YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals, obtained from the 2YBa4Cu3O9-δ + ВаCu2O2 + CuO2 mixture at combined cooling rates: (а) υ = 1.2 deg/h, (b) υ = 1.5 deg/h

Layer-by-layer XRD analysis and electron probe microanalysis revealed no inclusions of the melt solution and impurity ions in YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals. An analysis of the Laue rotation lines obtained in this work indicates the presence of blocks in single crystals cooled in the temperature range of 1243–1193 K at a cooling rate of 1.5 deg/h and their absence in crystals cooled at 1.2 deg/h (Fig. 5 a). An assessment of the degree of perfection of YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystals cooled at a rate of 1.2 deg/h along the width of the rocking curves (w) and the half-height of the X-ray reflection (006) showed that the value w = 0.36 deg, indicating the absence of twins, blockiness, shear defects, and other structural defects (Fig. 5 b) [1618].

Figure 5.

Laue rotation lines (a) and width of the X-ray reflection (006) at half-height of the rocking curve (b) of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal

An analysis of the Laue rotation lines indicates the presence of a block structure in single crystals cooled in the temperature range of 1240–1210 K at a cooling rate of 1.5 deg/h, and the absence of block structure at a cooling rate of 1.2 deg/h.

4. Conclusion

Therefore, it has been found that Y2BaCuO5, YBa4Cu3O9-δ and ВаCu2O2 precursors have been used as initial reagents to obtain YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals. This ensured direct synthesis without intermediate phases. The synthesis of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductor at 1270 K was carried out on single-crystal MgO substrates with the (001) orientation, since their surface is poorly wetted by the melt solution and stimulates the nucleation process.

It was experimentally found that the use of combined cooling conditions has made it possible to increase the size of single crystals, as well as to reduce the time of their growth without deteriorating the quality and changing the crystal structure. It has been established that single-phase YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals cooled in the temperature range 1260–1240 K at a rate of 0.5 deg/h, and in the range T = 1240–1210 K at a rate of 1.2 deg/h, had the largest volume ~50 mm3.

Evaluation of the degree of perfection according to the Laue rotation lines, as well as the width of the rocking curves (w) at half-height of the XRD reflection (006) showed that the value w = 0.36 deg, indicates the absence of twins, blockiness, shear defects and other structural defects.


The authors are grateful for the support of this investigation within the framework of the project No. 27-2022.


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