Comparison of the ASD (1–5) calculated as a function of (101) peak intensity ratio with literature data of Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns [6], [9], [16], [18], [25–32]: (1) calculation excluding the (200) peak, (2) calculation for the sum of (112) and (200) peak intensities, (3) calculation for the sum of (112) and (200) peak intensities for Sr2Fe0.95Mo1.05O6-δ (4) calculation for the sum of (112) and (200) peak intensities for Sr2Fe1.05Mo0.95O6-δ and (5) calculation using Eq. (11).

  Part of: Artsiukh E, Suchaneck G (2019) Evaluation of crystallographic ordering degree of magnetically active ions in Sr2FeMoO6-δ by means of the (101) X-ray peak intensity. Modern Electronic Materials 5(4): 151-157.