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1. Introduction
2. Metal-organic frameworks and their electrochemical application prospects
3. Structure and specific features of metal-organic frameworks
4. Classification of metal-organic frameworks
5. Optimized design of metal-organic frameworks
6. Control of shape and size of metal-organic framework crystals
7. Key methods and approaches to synthesis of metal-organic frameworks and composites on their basis
7.1. Solvothermal synthesis
7.2. Hydrothermal method
7.3. Surfactant synthesis
7.4. Sol-gel method
7.5. Microwave synthesis of metal-organic frameworks
7.6. Ultrasonic synthesis
8. Synthesis of ZIF-67 based materials
9. Synthesis of ZIF-67-like metal-organic frameworks
10. Synthesis of substituted Co/Mn metal-organic frameworks
11. Synthesis of porous metal-carbon nanocomposites
12. Experimental method
13. Structure of Mn-substituted metal-organic frameworks
14. Electrochemical tests of metal-carbon nanocomposites with Mn-substituted metal-organic frameworks
15. Conclusion
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